Allocating, Unallocating Storage on a EMC SAN

This page details on how to add/remove and zone additional storage from a EMC SAN

Adding Storage


1. List all the available devices (hypers) on the EMC San

   # symdev -noport list

   Backup the VCM database
   # symmaskdb backup

2. Create a Meta volume

   # cat metafile.cmd
       form meta from dev 4A4 config=striped, stripe_size = 2 cyl;
       add dev 4A5:4A7 to meta 4A4;

3. preview, prepare and commit the changes

   # symconfigure -f metafile.cmd preview -nop
   # symconfigure -f metafile.cmd prepare -nop
   # symconfigure -f metafile.cmd commit -nop

   Check the configuration
   # symdev show 4A4

4. Map meta volume to front-end directors

   # cat mapfile.cmd
       map dev 4A4 to dir 4b:1 target=0, lun=5;
       map dev 4A4 to dir 13a:1 target=0, lun=5;

5. preview, prepare and commit the changes

   # symconfigure -f mapfile.cmd preview -nop
   # symconfigure -f mapfile.cmd prepare -nop
   # symconfigure -f mapfile.cmd commit -nop

   Check the configuration
   # symdev -sa 4b -p 1 -fibre list
   # symdev -sa 13a -p 1 -fibre list

6. Mask the meta volume

   # symmask -wwn <WWPN> -dir 13a -p 1 add devs 4A4
   # symmask -wwn <WWPN> -dir 4a -p 1 add devs 4A4
   Note: the wwn are the WWPN's of the host HBA's which you obtain from the server.

   update the VCM database
   # symmask refresh -nop


Removing Storage


1. Remove the LUN masking configuration

   # symmask -wwn <WWPN> -dir 13a -p 1 remove devs 4A4
   # symmask -wwn <WWPN> -dir 4a -p 1 remove devs 4A4
   Note: the wwn are the WWPN's of the host HBA's which you obtain from the server.

   update the VCM database
   # symmask refresh -nop

2. offline the volume 4A4

   # symdev -sid 056 not_ready 4A4 -nop

   Check the configuration
   # symdev show 4A4

3. Unmap the meta volume from Front-end directors

   # cat unmapfile.cmd
      unmap dev 4A4 from dir 4b:1;
      unmap dev 4A4 from dir 13b:1;

4. Remove the volume from the VCM database

   # symconfigure -f unmapfile.cmd preview -nop
   # symconfigure -f unmapfile.cmd prepare -nop
   # symconfigure -f unmapfile.cmd commit -nop

   Check the configuration
   # symdev -sa 4b -p 1 -fibre list
   # symdev -sa 13a -p 1 -fibre list

Zoning a Host to use the Additional storage


1. telnet to the brocade switches and login as user admin

   switch 1 - fabric A (FAB_A)
   switch 2 - fabric B (FAB_B)

2. Create aliases for the hosts HBA's on each switch

   switch_1> alicreate "ukwsv16_HBA_0","10:00:00:c9:2f:a1:7a"
   switch_2> alicreate "ukwsv16_HBA_1","10:00:00:c9:2f:a1:7b"

3. Create the storage zones using the aliases on each switch

   switch_1> zonecreate "Z_UKWSV16_A", "UKWSV16_HBA_0"
   switch_2> zonecreate "Z_UKWSV16_B", "UKWSV16_HBA_1"

   Check the configuration
   switch_1> zoneshow Z_UKWSV16_A
   switch_2> zoneshow Z_UKWSV16_B

4. Add the zones to the fabrics on each switch

   switch_1> cfgshow FAB_A
   switch_1> cfgadd "FAB_A","Z_UKWSV16_A"
   switch_1> cfgsave
   switch_1> cfgenable FAB_A

   Check the configuration
   switch_1> zoneshow

   switch_2> cfgshow FAB_B
   switch_2> cfgadd "FAB_B","Z_UKWSV16_B"
   switch_2> cfgsave
   switch_2> cfgenable FAB_A

   Check the configuration
   switch_2> zoneshow