Associative Arrays

Associative arrays use scalar values as subscripts, which means you can have a word represent the index value. Perl uses the percent sign (%) to distinguish an associative array from an ordinary array variable.

Referring to Associative array elements

$fruit{"bananas"} = 1;

Note: using the dollar sign ($) tells the perl interpreter that this is a single scalar item and is to be treated as such

Creating an associative array

%associative_array;                          # declare an associative array
%array = ("foo", "26", "bar", "27");         # declare and populate an associative array

$fruit{"bananas"} = 1;
$fruit{"apples"} = 3;
foreach $item (sort keys (%fruit)) {
   print $item . " = " . $fruit{$item} . "\n";

Note: There is no order within the array, elements can be all over the place

Copying associative arrays from array variables @fruit = (apples", 6, "cherries", 8, "oranges", 11);
%fruit = @fruit;
Adding an element $fruit{"bananas"} = 1;
Deleting an element


Note: delete is the only way to delete from an associative array

Listing the keys

%array = ("foo", "26", "bar", "27");
@keys = keys(%array);

# keys is commonly used as below
foreach $i (keys (%array)) {
   print $i . "\n";

Note: in no particular order will the list be returned

Listing the values %array = ("foo", "26", "bar", "27");
@values = values(%array);

foreach $i (values (%array)) {
   print $i . "\n";

Note: in no particular order will the list be returned

Looping an associative array

%valle = ("Paul", 35, "Lorraine", "31", "Dominic", 12, "Jessica", 8);

## Using the foreach loop
foreach $i (keys (%valle)) {
   print $i . " " . $valle{$i} . "\n";

# Using a while loop
while (($name, $age) = each(%valle)) {
   print $name . " " . $age . "\n";
   ## delete $valle{"Paul"};               ## Do not use delete as it makes each unpredictable

Note: do not use delete when using each, because the behavior of each unpredictable

For more on manipulating arrays see List Manipulation.

Data Structures

You can use associative arrays to simulate a wide variety of data structures found in high-level languages, you could implement the following data structures

Linked Lists

A Linked List is a simple data structure that enables you to store items in a particular order. Each element of the linked list contains two fields

Linked List structure %words = ("alpha", "bravo",
          "bravo", "Charlie",
          "Charlie", "delta",
          "delta", "");

$header = "alpha"
Complete Linked List Example # initialize list to empty
$header = "";                                 
while ($line = <STDIN>) {
   # remove leading and trailing spaces
   $line =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
   @words = split(/\s+/, $line);
   foreach $word (@words) {
      # remove closing punctuation, if any
      $word =~ s/[.,;:-]$//;
      # convert all words to lower case
      $word =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;


sub add_word_to_list {
   local($word) = @_;

   # if list is empty, add first item
   if ($header eq "") {
      $header = $word;
      $wordlist{$word} = "";

   # if word identical to first element in list, do nothing
   return if ($header eq $word);

   # see whether word should be the new first word in the list
   if ($header gt $word) {
      $wordlist{$word} = $header;
      $header = $word;

   # find place where word belongs
   $pointer = $header;
   while ($wordlist{$pointer} ne "" && $wordlist{$pointer} lt $word) {
      $pointer = $wordlist{$pointer};

   # if word already seen, do nothing
   return if ($word eq $wordlist{$pointer});
   $wordlist{$word} = $wordlist{$pointer};
   $wordlist{$pointer} = $word;

sub print_list {
   local ($pointer);

   print ("Words in this file:\n");
   $pointer = $header;
   while ($pointer ne "") {
      print ("$pointer\n");
      $pointer = $wordlist{$pointer};


Many programming languages enable you to define collections of data called structures. Like Lists, structures are collections of values, each element of a structure, however, has its own name and can be accessed by that name.

Simulate a structure

# C Structure
struct {
   int field1;
   int field2;
   int field3;
} mystructure;

# Perl Simulated structure
%mystructure = ( "field1", "",
                 "field2", "",
                 "field3", "");


A tree is similar to a linked list, except that each element of a tree points to more than one other element. The simplest example of a tree is a binary tree. Each element of a binary tree, called a node, points to two other elements, called the left child and right child. Each of these children points to two children of its own and so on, the very last node are called leaf nodes.

The following terminology is used when describing trees

Tree Example $rootname = "parent";
%tree = ("parentleft", "child1",
         "parentright", "child2",
         "child1left", "grandchild1",
         "child1right", "grandchild2",
         "child2left", "grandchild3",
         "child2right", "grandchild4");
# traverse tree, printing its elements

sub print_tree {
   local ($nodename) = @_;
   local ($leftchildname, $rightchildname);

   $leftchildname = $nodename . "left";
   $rightchildname = $nodename . "right";
   if ($tree{$leftchildname} ne "") {
   print ("$nodename\n");
   if ($tree{$rightchildname} ne "") {


Using the above methods you can build quite complex databases, associative arrays can use variable records lengths, are accessible either sequentially or randomly.

The below calculator example is a very complex script, it uses associative arrays and recursive subroutines and the tree structure.

Calculator Example:

To run the calculator program

11 + 5 * (4 - 3)

Should result in 16

very complex example
# statements which initialize the program
$nextnodenum = 1;  # initialize node name generator
&get_next_item;    # read first value from file

$treeroot = &build_expr;
$result = &get_result ($treeroot);
print ("the result is $result\n");

# Build an expression.
sub build_expr {
        local ($currnode, $leftchild, $rightchild);
        local ($operator);

        $leftchild = &build_add_operand;
        if (&is_next_item("+") || &is_next_item("-")) {
                $operator = &get_next_item;
                $rightchild = &build_expr;
                $currnode = &get_new_node ($operator,
                        $leftchild, $rightchild);
       } else {
                $currnode = $leftchild;

# Build an operand for a + or - operator.
sub build_add_operand {
        local ($currnode, $leftchild, $rightchild);
        local ($operator);

        $leftchild = &build_mult_operand;
        if (&is_next_item("*") || &is_next_item("/")) {
                $operator = &get_next_item;
                $rightchild = &build_add_operand;
                $currnode = &get_new_node ($operator,
                        $leftchild, $rightchild);
       } else {
                $currnode = $leftchild;

# Build an operand for the * or / operator.
sub build_mult_operand {
        local ($currnode);

        if (&is_next_item("(")) {
                # handle parentheses
                &get_next_item;  # get rid of "("
                $currnode = &build_expr;
                if (! &is_next_item(")")) {
                        die ("Invalid expression");
                &get_next_item;  # get rid of ")"
        } else {
                $currnode = &get_new_node(&get_next_item,
                            "", "");
       $currnode;  # ensure correct return value

# Check whether the last item read matches
# a particular operator.
sub is_next_item {
        local ($expected) = @_;

        $curritem eq $expected;

# Return the last item read; read another item.
sub get_next_item {
        local ($retitem);

        $retitem = $curritem;
        $curritem = &read_item;

# This routine actually handles reading from the standard
# input file.
sub read_item {
        local ($line);

        if ($curritem eq "EOF") {
                # we are already at end of file; do nothing
        while ($wordsread == @words) {
                $line = ;
                if ($line eq "") {
                        $curritem = "EOF";
				# the following two lines fix a problem
				# in the example as printed in the book
				$line =~ s/\(/ ( /g;
				$line =~ s/\)/ ) /g;
               $line =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
               @words = split(/\s+/, $line);
               $wordsread = 0;
        $curritem = $words[$wordsread++];

# Create a tree node.
sub get_new_node {
        local ($value, $leftchild, $rightchild) = @_;
        local ($nodenum);

        $nodenum = $nextnodenum++;
        $tree{$nodenum} = $value;
        $tree{$nodenum . "left"} = $leftchild;
        $tree{$nodenum . "right"} = $rightchild;
        $nodenum;   # return value

# Calculate the result.
sub get_result {
        local ($node) = @_;
        local ($nodevalue, $result);

        $nodevalue = $tree{$node};
        if ($nodevalue eq "") {
                die ("Bad tree");
        } elsif ($nodevalue eq "+") {
              $result = &get_result($tree{$node . "left"}) +
                     &get_result($tree{$node . "right"});
        } elsif ($nodevalue eq "-") {
              $result = &get_result($tree{$node . "left"}) -
                     &get_result($tree{$node . "right"});
        } elsif ($nodevalue eq "*") {
              $result = &get_result($tree{$node . "left"}) *
                     &get_result($tree{$node . "right"});
        } elsif ($nodevalue eq "/") {
              $result = &get_result($tree{$node . "left"}) /
                     &get_result($tree{$node . "right"});
        } elsif ($nodevalue =~ /^[0-9]+$/) {
                $result = $nodevalue;
        } else {
                die ("Bad tree");